Delayed medicating

Am I dumb?

I have had chronic migraine since 2007, and never had an abortive that worked for me until Ubrelvy. I keep finding myself in an illogical cycle where I start to feel sick with “a small headache”, which 100% of the time turns into a full blown migraine - yet I always wait too long to take the abortive. What am I waiting for?!

The only reasoning I can think of is that I am limited to 8 days of Ubrelvy per month, and I have found the efficacy to gradually decline since I started using it about 2 years ago.

Last migraine, I thought I would take Advil (?!?!) for the first 8 hours of the migraine to see if that would somehow work, even though that has never worked before… and ultimately needed to take Ubrelvy later.

When I’m not sick and thinking about it, it’s a no brainer that I should take my abortive at first symptoms. But somehow when I already have migraine brain, I have brain dumb and can’t make decisions!! Anyone else deal with this?

UPDATE: Thanks everyone for your support and understanding!! 💖