I can't stand this new season, finally dropping League.

Last season, I finally reached Diamond by playing mages in the mid lane. At the same time, I realized how important the early game is and how efficient it is to play aggressively if you want a reasonable climb.

Playing mages in the mid lane, like you see in competitive play—controlling waves, playing for objectives, etc.—makes it really hard to achieve more than a 53-55% win rate. With that win rate, it would take around 1,000 games to make a real climb in elo. God forbid you somehow mess up your MMR; otherwise, you'll be stuck tryharding for 500 games just to fix it.

Solo queue nowadays revolves around a new type of player who prefers 20-minute games, coinflipping every 1v1, and going all-in during the laning phase. This is especially evident when you realize that being 5/0 isn't enough to carry losing lanes. If you want a 60% win rate, you have to be that 1v1 monster Irelia who’s 15/5 at 20 minutes.

As of now, I enjoy watching competitive League more than playing. Riot has made it pretty clear that they're aiming for faster, more snowball-heavy games, which further worsens the game, as everyone is coin-flipping their lane, so every game revolves around the player who got fed and the one who snowballed.

For those who still enjoy it, I understand—but for me, it lacks the strategy and control I expect from MOBA games.