Is perfect farm a bait for soloq?

More and more, I’m realizing the importance of early prio in solo queue—every single game feels like a bloodbath. I started this season focusing on farming, as improving that aspect was my main goal. However, my win rate started dropping rapidly, and I found myself blaming my team every time.

So, I decided to change my mindset. This time, I shifted to permapushing and making an effort to contest everything my jungler wants to contest—though I avoid committing to losing fights, of course.

TL;DR: Your team won't wait to take fights, so you need to be ready every time.

obs: I also think that's one reason melees are better for mid in solo queue. If you give them lane (prio), they will all-win and kill you.

obs 2: My peak rank was diamond and i only play mages.