Hi my this is my Nation and me.

Hi my name is Leo, I am 23 from Germany and I am the Leader of the micro nation Thurath’zal it’s a Theocracy and based on the Mandalorian nation from Star Wars and primary by Ancient Egypt… Fact is the nation will only have money for trade with other nations within the nation we will have an exchange trade and the Taxes will be shared between the Citizens especially the poor and sick. Well well well anything else ? Yes the flag is the photo… well if you have any questions I will answer in the comments. Thanks for reading the post.

Hi my name is Leo, I am 23 from Germany and I am the Leader of the micro nation Thurath’zal it’s a Theocracy and based on the Mandalorian nation from Star Wars and primary by Ancient Egypt… Fact is the nation will only have money for trade with other nations within the nation we will have an exchange trade and the Taxes will be shared between the Citizens especially the poor and sick. Well well well anything else ? Yes the flag is the photo… well if you have any questions I will answer in the comments. Thanks for reading the post.