I want to start playing MGS games. Which Snake should I be the most excited to play as?

I have played Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and too little of MGSV: Phantom Pain. I never knew MGS games had supernatural elements to it, which is why I got distant from Phantom Pain.

Few years later, I realized that I want what Kojima offered to all of us and not a Konami game. I did do some small research on the difference between Solid Snake, Naked Snake and Venom Snake. Which led me to ask this: Who is the best Snake?

Also, I intend on playing the games by release order. If there are any spinoffs or prequels (like Yakuza 0 or Judgement games) please do let me know.

Disclaimer: I am aware MGSV is not the best MGS game. And yes, I played MGR:R because of NANOMACHINES, SON.