Christmas Gifts for Metal Detector
Hello all, My husband recently got into metal detecting and is really enjoying it. I want to get him some items for Christmas but he says he doesn't need anything. Below are the items he already has:
-garrett metal detector. Unsure of model but it is likely an entry level detector, I think it's an ACE 300 based on some minor research on my end
-CKG sand scoop with carbon fiber handle
-cheap pinpointer from Amazon (I asked if I could get him a better pin pointer and he said no because he really only detectors at the beach and rarely uses it since he has the sand scoop)
-CKG bag
I wanted to upgrade his detector but wasn't in the market for an $800+ detector
I wanted to get him some winter friendly footwear for the beach since it gets really cold in the winters here in the Northeast and he likes to detect year round.
I am open to any and all suggestions for gift ideas as avid detectors
Give me whatcha got!!