Arizona is AMAZING on the Mesh!

Just want to give a shout out and humble brag for my home state! There are some truly enterprising and forward thinking Mesh Operators here in Arizona that have embraced the old Tel-Co "Long Lines" strategy and really bring a lot to the Meshtastic World.

For the first time this weekend, I hit my database capacity of 200 Nodes in the T-Echo and it started deleting older nodes - some only 2 or 3 days old. I only run without MQTT because it seems antithetical to the whole "off grid" messaging ethos.

So here we are seeing nodes from North of Prescott / Sedona to South of Tucson. Even a modest amount of elevation on a hill top gives you access to a lot of this territory and if you go up a mountain like Mt. Lemmon, Pinal Peak, Picacho Peak, Mt. Ord, Piestawa Peak, or Towers Mountain, you can snag some long distance comms easy.

In the map below the distance from the northern most to southernmost node is around 250 miles give or take (400km)

I'm also noticing a lot of themes in my node list where multiple nodes have a commonality in the name - like maybe a network of nodes owned by a club or individual:

  • RUP
  • BlueSky
  • LDS
  • LDZ
  • YDA
  • Sunset
  • Bugnet
  • Turbo
  • ARC
  • Hubnet
  • GeoNet
  • DrewFly
  • LDTB Chevy
  • MeshHawk
  • And lots of fellow Ham Operators

Kudos to those who have contributed to the infrastructure!

Comment up if you see your node in the pic or if I've mentioned you.