Work and mental health issues
I have PTSD,anxiety with panic attacks, depression and adhd as my main mental disorders. I have been working in corrections/ shelter care since 2017 and am very comfortable and confident in my performance. I have been at this facility since 2021 and worked fulltime overnight for a little.. Resigned from FT to get on a day schedule as a case worker in an emergency shelter and due to safety issues ( my ex boyfriend stalks me ) i had to leave my case manager position about 2 year later. I was in an abusive relationship since 2015 and left 2024 and decided to go back FT at the juvie. So I've been waiting over a year for a full time position to open up.
I applied for a position and really thought it was going to be mine. Did interviews, lot of communicating my interest to Supervisors, they sent me to training for the position I wanted ( I was asked to attend n was the only part timer there) and everything seemed okay. Well they called me and offered me an overnight position ( that I didn't apply for) . I was so caught off and confused why I was being offered this position and declined it since I was sure I was going to be offered a day position.
Well... that was the only positon they were offering me.... one I didn't apply for. I was so upset with this news and when I spoke to one of the Supervisors I was told they wanted me in the day position but because of my mental health and missing work, they offered me the night position.... to see if I would be consistent with showing up to work.....
Yes, I've had to miss work because of my mental health.... I have financial struggles since leaving my ex. Mostly because my paycheck is inconsistent and low. I can't afford my daily medication and if I don't get my ketamine treatmemt I am pretty paralyzed and walking is exhausting to me.
When at work I have never had a panic attack or been nervous because of escalating behavior. When i ask my lead what I can improve on they tell me " nothing" I'm literally very good at what I do and this has really been fucking with me... I called in once because my ex partner ( when we were together) threw me .... would that also count as my mental health getting in the way of work ?
Does anyone have any advice ? Can they really tell me no because of my medical/metal problems ? The last year as been so stressful to me too , that I only weigh 99 pounds at the moment. This FT positin was going to change everything for me so I can finally just start enjoying life... but now .. the struggle continues...