I’ve been hearing voices in my head I have never heard before
Lately I’ve been hearing more voices than just the usual one that’s inside your head. These voices are not coming from someplace, I know they’re inside my mind. A lot of them are fairly negative, often talking about my failures, negative features, etc. Another tends to sow paranoia, such as trying to convince me my friends aren’t actually my friends, or are talking behind my back. I know they’re distinct voices because they tend to overlap with eachother, speaking at the same time. The voices all sound like the voice that should be inside my head.
Ive had a long history of depression and anxiety but Ive never had visual or auditory hallucinations before and haven’t had any dissociative episodes so this kinda came outta nowhere. Gonna bring it up to a professional later this week but had to get it out there in the meantime since it’s been really bothering me.