take action against xAI right now, here's how
This Tuesday, Memphis City Council will vote on selling land for an xAI wastewater treatment facility. ([Agenda] item 15).
Last month, we learned they want to continue running their gas turbines PERMANENTLY until 2030, in an area of the city where the people already have 4x the average cancer rates. (Source)
Why do they want this land from the city if they say they COULD build a wastewater treatment plant on their own land if they wanted to? Them trying to play like they're looking out for what's best for Memphis is NOT fooling me, and it shouldn't fool you. All of Musk's companies have environmental problems and don't want to play by the rules and NEVER do anything just to be a good city partner.
We need to make it more difficult for Musk to do business here. Especially when they're polluting the air in an area of Memphis that's already 4x the normal cancer rates. At first the turbines were temporary, now they've requested them to be permanent. They're only at 200,000 GPUs and they want to get to a million by the end of the year. How much more gas, electricity, and water will that require? No one knows.
A lof of you guys will say "There's already polluters there, what's one more? And they're paying taxes and utilities to the city". First of all, yeah let's take down all the polluters. The problem is that we don't seem to be monitoring air quality at all. We have no data on it. 2nd of all, Musk has a bad reputation and should not be trusted.
Email city council today using the link here and ask them to DELAY this item until their permits have been approved AND we know that the air quality will not be compromised by xAI's turbines. I know it's annoying to have to do this, but it will make a difference. City Council needs to know how much people are against xAI doing business here so that they can push back.
It will only take 2 minutes. Let's flood their inboxes.