Lead techs of reddit - do you regret the jump?

I've been a tech coming up on 8 years now, traveled during the pandemic and have a very solid foundation in every department. I'm going back to school in the fall to get my MBA online, and am considering taking a lead position to help get supervisorial experience for once I graduate so I can hopefully move out of the lab into a more senior role. I've currently landed a very cushy gig in micro on second shift and very, very few responsibilities especially considering the wage.

I'm a bit on the fence about moving up. On one hand it's career progression and looks good on a resume. On the other hand I know it's extremely demanding and doing grad school on top of that while trying to maintain an active lifestyle outside of work seems...daunting. On a third more metaphorical hand the lab is a crapshow with staff, but I've worked the bench with the manager before she took the position and she's really, really solid. They had 54 deficiencies with CAP their last inspection so...😬

Do any of you current leads regret the transition? Has it made any aspects of your life easier or is it just a never ending headache? How much aspirin do you take daily to deal with it?