This is not reducing Red Tape Danielle.
The government made a media release yesterday that went a little under the radar with all the other things they did. I dont think enough people are talking about it.
Under the guise of "red tape reduction" the gov wants to change their reporting standards of children's deaths from semi-annually to annually.
So how exactly is not reporting those numbers reducing red tape?
Dave Nally calling it the best red tape reduction bill is a self tell.
These reports show Alberta's abhorrent record of not taking the Truth & Reconciliation act seriously, and they also shed light on Canadas on-going genocidal anti-Indigenous legacy. The last report showed that 16 Indigenous children and youth died while under Alberta Child Family Services care. 1 child is one too many. And I believe changing this to annual reports is nothing more then to keep Albertans less informed and take advantage of the medias short attention span.