Insurance Company Deposit Account to Avoid Missing Payments Due
An insurance broker told me today that in some cases, the late payment of a Supplement health insurance premium will lead to a policy being canceled. Moreover, the ins-co can use the discontinuity of payments and attendant cancellation as a basis for denying Guaranteed Issue to the policy holder if/when the holder attempts to resurrect the policy.
In light of the above, I'm posting to find out whether any insurance companies have something akin to a Deposit Account that can be used to supply a late or missing monthly premium payment in the event that some electronic snafu causes a payment to be missed. (For e.g., the patent office has a deposit accounts that can be accessed by the Office in the event that a party interacting with the Office miscalculates the amount due for a particular filing. This is done to avoid the Office counting the filing as late if the payment included with the filing is insufficient).
It's a little scary to think that one payment being a day late could cause a subscriber to undergo Medical Underwriting under circumstances in which coverage could be denied based on the medical condition of the subscriber.