Is all intuitive family rare ?
I thought for the longest time I was only intuitive in my family. But I was thinking back on some behaviors & I'm not sure now. I thought they were esfj mom, esfj sister, estj brother, Intj me, istj sister.. but now I'm realizing it might be. Intp, in shadow, mother, entj sister, entj brother, Intj me, & estj sister.. there's certain behaviors that I realized were either borderline, or misinterpreted.. I misinterpreted some rigidity as sensor traits, when they were judging traits.. after realizing that and how they actually Thought, not just what they did but the Why behind it.. I realized.. I might have a near all intuitive family.. does anyone else have this ? I thought sensors were rare for the longest time because (believe it or not) majority of people I've met in my life were Definately intuative.. probably close or over 70%. there is one Solid one I know now that is definitely sensor.. but even those I thought were sensor ended up being just in shadow.. where I am now has the most sensors I've ever seen in my life.. so I'm starting to realize what a rare encounter I've had in my life..& what would happen to have so many intuatives in the same place.. how would that happen ? Maybe I've just attracted them so I see more of them, workplaces often had more sensors than intuatives. But still, question.
Does anyone have an all intuative family.. or, has anyone had the same experience where they've mostly been around intuatives.