2016 CX-5 oil consuption
Hello All,
Just wanted to see what those of you with 2.5L SkyActiv-G (non-turbo) engines are seeing in the way of oil consumption. My wife's 2016 CX-5 has experienced a marked increase in oil consumption as of late, currently sitting at ~70K miles. Only issue car has had is leaking timing covers, which just started to seep AGAIN, lol!
We bought it brand new and have exclusively used Mobil 1 0w20 Advanced Fuel economy every 5,000 miles on the dot, except for 1 time that no Mobil 1 was available and we had to use the non "1" branded "Mobil Full Synthetic" since we were going on a road trip that day and I just didn't have time to do it myself.
I have completed all but the 1 oil change myself in my driveway and all have used new Mobil 1 filters every time so I know maintenance has been 1000% on this car (I own 2 BMWs, so I'm religious with maintenance to avoid trouble) . I have seen plenty on the 2.5T's engine oil consumption, but very little for the 2.5 SkyActiv-G engines beyond some people stating they see some oil consumption.
Just started tracking consumption last night when yet again I found it 1/2 a quart low on oil. Will update once I know exactly how much is consumed in the next few hundred miles.