Why mathematicians do not hype their research on social media like all of the other scientific fields?

I asked my brother who is researching math and he's quite mad about it, where his answers are like these:

  • Mathematical research is complicated and takes a very long time to read. Hence, noone will leave any kind of response to these research if being publicized.

  • Mathematicians saying wrong things is extremely unethical and hyping math is most likely to say wrong things.

I, myself, do not feel satisfied with the answer, where I believe:

  • How tf the public going to fund pure mathematics if they cannot imagine what mathematicians are doing.

This is a thrown-away account as this sentiment might be shared among mathematicians. I hold no ill-willed against mathematicians, respect their field of research, and somewhat use math in work.

By hyping the mathematical research, I mean the followings:

  • Hyping mathematics to the public:

    • Share some of the mathematical research on public social network platform (e.g. r/math)
    • Describe the object of mathematics currently research and provide some of examples of those object can be found in our natural world (e.g. knot and drugs)
    • Hyping mathematics to other mathematicians publicly (for the public to know whether the research is significant as they see from the experts' point of view)
    • Post their own research on social media to let other experts see and comment


It is weird that we live in a world where most people do not know the quantum notations but blabs about (insert XX-dimensional space of string), discovery of quark, "maybe gravity are particles", ...

I believe if the public has any idea of what the mathematicians are doing, just very rough ideas, the funding in mathematics can be significantly increased, maybe via donation. Currently, I believe most of people have less idea of what mathematicians are doing than any other kinds of scientific fields.