How can I hack my teacher's account and change my grades?
I am failing a class and want to change my grades. How do I do this? Here is a list of everything I have tried so far:
Asking kindly for her password
Doing a heartbleed attack on the mouse drivers of her account
Bruteforcing the UDP drivers of her account
Cracking the ARP hash that I got by doing a pixie dust attack on her account
Uploading a backdoor (it was generated with nano and then encrypted to base64 using Nmap) to Active Directory using LOIC
Called her office claiming to be the custodian saying I need her password in order to sweep the main lobby
Used mdk4 to test if her account is vulnerable to any exploits on exploit-db
Did a pass-the-hash using the ICMP-encoded version of her email address (I used md5sum to perform the attack)
Hacking her computer using GeekTyper
Ran "color a & tree C:\" on my computer
Not sure if it helps, but number 10 just showed me "aHVudGVyMg==" as the password, but that didn't work, so I am guessing that is an AES-256 version of her password.
Now I am lost. Any other ideas? I really need your help.