Devastating — Boston zoning board just voted against new birth center in Roxbury

TLDR: After nearly a decade of planning, Boston’s Zoning Board of Appeal voted against opening a new birth center in Roxbury. Now the Neighborhood Birth Center is asking for people to urge the city to work with them to make this a reality.

This is a devastating blow to Massachusetts, the organizations that have been tirelessly working on this, and those of us thinking about starting a family here.

Why does this matter? Because Massachusetts is already falling behind:

A birth center is a hospital alternative that offers more personalized delivery plans for low-risk pregnancies. Of the 400 birth centers in the US, there’s only ONE in all of Massachusetts.

Neighborhood Birth Center would have been the first non-hospital birthing facility in Boston and the second operating center in the entire state. 

Right now, 99% of births in Massachusetts happen in hospitals. If even 10% of those births shifted to birth centers, residents could expect to save ~$1.9 billion a year.

More on birth centers:

Birth centers are life-saving investments that give families more options when it comes to giving birth. Birth centers result in:

  • Fewer infant ER visits and hospitalizations
  • Lower rates of C-section
  • Higher rates of spontaneous vaginal delivery
  • Lower rates of preterm birth
  • Lower rates of babies born with low birth weight
  • Higher rates of initiated and sustained breast / chestfeeding

How can you get involved?

The Neighborhood Birth Center is asking MA residents to urge the Mayor and city officials to meet with them and Community Movement Commons to find a path forward.

If you want to help, you can take action by contacting Mayor Michelle Wu’s office to express your support of the Community Movement Commons project. 

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