What if you find your best hero boring?

I enjoy playing fast and mobile melee heros the most. However, I've always done the best on heroes who rely on having naturally good aim and reflexes, like Hela, Bucky, and BW. Even though I dont know half the roster or much about the game itself (I started a month ago) I've managed to hit GM2 with these heroes mainly due to aim, where I remain currently stuck.

When I play melee heroes I enjoy like Magik, BP, Thing, Hulk or Venom, our team always underperforms. Even though I find vanguard more fun than dps, I feel constant pressure to switch back to dps because I've realized I can dps better than the average dps player at my rank but can't say the same for vanguard. I just don't have the same talent for vanguard that I do for dps, so I gave up playing vanguard even though I like it more.

So I started playing melee dps, but it's never as effective as hitscan for me. I can just play Hela and get more picks while risking less.

When I think about it, it makes sense. Hela relies 100% on aim, but is balanced so that console players and players with average aim can still do well with her, which logically means that PC players with great aim benefit a huge amount with her proportional to other heroes.

But she's just so boring to play! Does anyone else find their naturally best hero boring?