Groot might need a nerf
Groot is already a must pick/ban in high ranks despite his counters (bucky, wolverine, IW, and punisher) being strong if not broken. If his counters get nerfed next patch, Groot will absolutely be a really big problem. As a groot main, here are some suggestions for a nerf that would help keep him in balance:
If seasonal bonuses are not returning next season, he doesn’t need any further nerf. His team-up is bad as is so he probably won’t be getting his anchor bonus health most matches. Losing 150 hp is a big enough hit to his survivability and he probably won’t need any further nerfs
Make his ultimate cost more. Currently its tied for the lowest ult cost in the game. He basically has it every fight if he doesn’t kill anyone with it. Its a team wiping ult than doesn’t necessarily need another ult to combo. His ult is probably the best in the game because of how frequently groot can have it.
Nerf his iron wood wall hp from 700 to 600-500. His iron wood wall is definitely his best cooldown and he relies on it so much. You can use it for cover, you can use it to wall off enemies, you can use it for extra shields, its very versatile. Nerfing it would make its up-time less so Groot would have to think about its placement and his positioning a lot more.
In this current patch, Groot isn’t terribly broken, but could be in the future so he might need a nerf