If you're playing quickplay, pick whatever you want
We've all seen the plethora of posts about solo tanking, strategists not healing, people being the 4th DPS, etc. I think if you're playing quickplay, you shouldn't expect much from your team. Don't get me wrong, this isn't to say that it's ok to throw games, it's always more fun when everyone understands and plays their roles well. But as someone with limited time to play and as someone who's probably hit their ceiling solo-queing in comp (plat 3, sad I know), sometimes I just want to play a character I don't get to play in comp (I've recently started playing widow and the best feeling ever is shooting a spidey outta the air).
All of this is to say, most people probably aren't out to ruin your team composition by insta-locking dps, sometimes they just want to take a break from having to play a role they're tired of playing (I exclusively plank tank in comp).