Rank reset and updated W/L point calculation moving forward suggestion

Obviously most of us have seen posts/topics about how Diamond or GM are low elos due to inflated point gain for winning and being able to brute force your way through with enough games. I had this idea that may help correct that with a proper rank reset and prevent it from happening again.

Rank reset

At the end of the season they do a soft reset to ranks however it's not a blanket rank lowering across the board, but instead it takes into account your current rank & win rate.

If you WR is above 61% rank reset only places you at the bottom of your current tier. Diamond 1 to Diamond 3.

If your WR is 55-60% within a certain rank range, you drop down by 3 ranks only. Diamond 1 to Plat 3

If your WR is 50-54% you get moved down by 5-6 ranks but no more than 2 tiers. Max drop from Diamond 1 to plat 3. Diamond 3 would be lower to Gold 1

If your WR is sub 50% you get moved down by at least 2-3 tiers. The higher you are the harsher the penalty (Plat with sub 50% WR gets placed in Silver/ low gold, GM with sub 50% gets placed in gold)

**Win rate is calculated based on your games in specific rank and minimum 10-20 games are required to be completed within that rank range, otherwise your rank gets calculated based on the previous rank that had enough amount of games for data to analyze your WR %. If you just hit Diamond and didn't have any time to play sufficient amount of games, your performance in plat gets taking into consideration instead and based on your WR you get assigned new rank.

Point gain and loss post rank reset

To avoid slow creep of brute forcing the climb WR should be taken into account when rewarding points for win/loss.

MVP / SVP should award only extra 3-5points

If you WR is 50% you gain maybe extra 2-3 points so you still feel rewarded for playing and over 30-40 games you'll eventually climb 1 rank.

If you WR is above 55-60% you gain extra 5 points per win.

If your WR is above 60% you gain additional 10 points per win as you are clearly in lower rank and there's no reason to hold you back

Now for the fun part..

If you WR is sub-50% you gain less points for winning and lose more points when you lose (maybe gain 15 for a win, lose 20). Also, you are not eligible for MVP/SVP additional point reward until you get your season WR above 50%

Let me know your thoughts but I keep seeing complains about how GM is low elo and rank reset is required, however, a regular rank reset without treating the cause will not fix the problem we have.