Honestly, I hope Clone Rumble as a game mode DOESN'T come back.

The concept of it is good and when the mode first showed up it was funny to do things like all Reed's or Jeffs.

But the mode - to me anyway - has shown how collosally boring/game warping some of the heroes are when its all of them not helped by the rapid narrowing of picks. It use to be everyone was picked but now in a few short days It feels like the only heroes that are picked and played in this mode is MoonKnight, Iron Fist, Iron Man or Rocket. Its so often then now If another hero thats not them also gets picked I play that one because I don't want to play those 4 for the millionth time. Even if its something which is almost useless vs those picks (EG Hawkeye into Iron Fists)

Frankly if they did bring it back I'd rather the vote be for a hero the players DIDN'T want to play and then the game itself selects the 2 heroes to choose from