"DPS" Strategist Players...

To all players that lock into a strategist and say "DPS Jeff, Loki, Rocket", and the occasional "Mantis...."

Why not just find a Duelist you're good at? Like, for DPS Jeff, most people just go to the enemy backline, tickle them with their primary fire, then swim away/die.

Why not just play Starlord and potentially kill someone instead?

Stop wasting the strategist pick just because you have no idea where health packs are and can't position well as a Duelist. We can play around a bad Duelist. We can't play a bad "DPS" strategist who barely heals.

And for the "IT's sTRaTegiSt nOt SuPPoRT' people who feel you don't need to heal, a good strategy for everyone in the game is keeping your team alive.