Maybe It’s You, Bro.
Listen, I know the DPS and Tank mains like to blame heals when they’re dying but have you ever stopped to consider….maybe it’s not the heals?
If you’re a Tank and you’re 1-5….have you considered that maybe we’re trying to heal you and it might not be a good idea to push 30 meters ahead by yourself while the rest of the team is on point? Or like, maybe if one of the healers and half the team are dead, it might not be a good idea to go into a 1 v 6 with one healer? Could that be the reason why you’re 1-5? No? It must be the Loki.
Or if you’re a DPS and you’re 0-6….maybe consider a new DPS? Can you flank into a kill? No? Ah, it must be cloak and Dagger’s fault for not repeatedly following you into the hallway you keep dying in.
You have healers. You are not invincible. Stop blaming the heals and start running quick play to get better. It’s time to look in the mirror.