I just want one small little change for Spider-Man, that's all I want.

They NEED to change when your web-swing count changes. For some reason, they decided the best time for your your kit count to change how many swings you have left is after you let go or well after you start your swing, not at the start when it makes contact and you swing.

I have a habit of swinging in with one swing available but charged halfway, so by the time I attack someone or pop a move or two, I'm able to swing out. On too many occasions I look at my kit to keep track of my webs, I'll make a dive, then bam. No webs because it didn't count down my previous swing I had started. It's so annoying because there are some spots I can hold a swing for so long that it's almost unreliable to look at and have to focus on the number I have left rather than being able to visually see the correct amount.