Character Concepts Part 2

Part 2 of some character concepts.

  1. Sabertooth (Vanguard)

Vicious Claw (Primary Fire) - Melee attack with 4.5m range. 35 damage at 0.5s swing.

Double Swipe (Secondary Fire) - Melee attack with 5m range in a 180 degree frontal cone. 50 damage. 2 second cooldown.

Feral Sprint (Shift) - Holding down shift allows for Sabertooth to run on all fours. Movement speed increases to 750. Jumping while sprinting allows for Sabertooth to perform a Pouncing Leap.

Primal Instinct (E) - In a targeted direction 15m. Any enemy caught in Sabertooth's path is dragged along with him, dealing 40 damage. 8 second cooldown.

Blood for Blood (Passive) - Sabertooth's healing factor allows him to heal based upon the damage he deals. Healing passive 25% of damage dealt.

Weapon XI (Q) - Sabertooth roars slowing all enemies by 25% for 4 seconds in a 15m radius. During this time, Sabertooth's passive healing increases to 75%.

Possible Team-Up (Mantis) - Tapping into his primal emotions, Sabertooth can enrage himself for 5 seconds. During this time his Vicious Claw gains 25% attack speed. +15% healing for Mantis.

  1. Deathlok (Duelist)

Equalizer (Primary Fire) - Plasma Arm-Cannon that fires every 0.5s. Deals 45 damage with a falloff range of 25m. Hitscan with ammo count of 10. Can headshot.

Concussive Blast (Secondary Fire) - Hold to charge Deathlok's arm cannon for up to 2 seconds. Release to unleash an energy blast that knocks enemies back, up to 15m (based upon charging time). Enemies struck are briefly slowed for 1s. Spell field radius of 5m. 10s cooldown.

Grapple Arm (Shift) - Deathlok releases a grappling hook, pulling himself to the location. Range 20m. 8s cooldown.

Destabilizing Mine (E) - Deathlok releases a proximity mine on a surface. Once triggered by an enemy, it sends out a pulse, stunning any enemies in its spell field radius for 0.8s. Up to two mines may be placed, with a 10 second cooldown between mines. Mines last for 30 seconds. Spell field radius of 3m.

Countdown to Extinction (Q) - Deathlok overloads his own reactor core, detonating in a 20m sphere after 3 seconds of charging, sacrificing himself. During this time, Deathlok's speed is increased by 30%, while gaining 20% damage reduction. Successfully detonating deals 500 damage.

Power Reserves (Passive) - Upon death, Deathlok gains 150 shield that decays at a rate of 50 per second. During this time, Deathlok cannot be healed and deals 50% damage with his Equalizer.

Possible Team-Up (Black Widow) - Enemies stunned by Destabilizing Mine take 20% increased damage from Black Widow for 2 seconds. +15% Damage for Deathlok.

  1. Tom Cassidy (Strategist)

Shillelagh [Fire] (Primary Fire) - Projectile attack that fires every 0.5s. Deals 40 damage with a 1.5m spell field. Cannot headshot. Consumes 1 ammo of 20 ammo.

Shillelagh [Bio-Feedback] (Secondary Fire) - Projectile blast that fires every 0.6s. Heals for 40 damage with a 2m spell field. Consumes 2 ammo of 20 ammo.

Shillelagh [Concussive] (Shift) - Using a blast from his shillelagh, Cassidy hops 20m into the air. 10 sec cooldown.

Shillelagh [Floral-Symbiosis] (E) - Cassidy briefly transforms his body into plant matter, granting himself 25% damage reduction for 5 seconds and healing for 150 hp. 15 second cooldown.

Shillelagh [Avatar of Krakoa] (Q) - Channeling the power of the mutant island of Krakoa, Cassidy unleashes a spell field granting all allies within 200 shield 40% damage reduction for 6 seconds.

Possible Team-Up (Groot) - Groots Ironwood Wall empowers Cassidy, granting him 20 healing per second when standing within 10m. Passive ability. +150 hp for Groot.

  1. Rom the Space Knight (Duelist)

Neutralizer (Primary Fire) - Channeled beam with 20m range. Deals 100 damage per second, using 25 ammo per second. 100 ammo.

Analyzer (Secondary Fire) - Fire a projectile at an enemy that deals 5 damage. Any enemy hit will have their ultimate percentage revealed for 4 seconds. 10s cooldown.

Anti-Gravity Greaves (Shift) - Rom gains limited flight for 2.5s with a 30% movement speed increase. Holding shift while airborne causes Rom to descend slowly. 8s cooldown.

Limbo Projector (E) - Rom releases a Dire Wraith from his Neutralizer prison. The Wraith quickly attempts to attach itself onto an enemy, detonating itself once reaching a target for 75 damage in a spell field of 5m. 15s cooldown.

Pride of Galador (Q) - Rom calls down a series of robotic drones that encircle him for 6 seconds. During this time, Rom's Neutralizer has infinite ammo and deals 200 damage per second. However, Rom takes 25% increased damage and cannot use Anti-Gravity Greaves during this time.

Possible Team-Up (Magik) - As the undisputed master of Limbo, Magik can summon a Dire Wraith every 20s. +15% damage for Rom.