It’s very hard to heal flyers efficiently

Just a PSA to all of the new flyers around: if you are flying high and behind your healers, it’s super hard to properly heal you mid fight (especially on console).

With that in mind, please try using natural map cover and learning where health packs are.

You will have a way better experience.

Edit: a lot of people are saying it’s a skill issue, “it’s not hard”, “just look up”, etc. Yes. You are right. I’m just saying that from the perspective of a support, it’s harder to heal flyers. I’m also giving alternatives to flyers when supports aren’t able to heal efficiently. That’s all.

Edit2: Jesus Christ, people. It’s not just the mechanical skill of aiming and hitting your flyers what makes it hard. It’s the fact that if the supports stop paying attention to the actual fight for a split second to look for you (behind, 1 mile up in the air), the tank(s) or other dps will get absolutely melted in 1s and we get rolled. Also, most of the time the supports have to deal with some sort of dive opponent too, which the flyers usually don’t give two fucks about, by the way.

I can’t believe I have to explain this.