What character do you have the least fun playing? I’ll go first

Cap to me feels like a DPS that just so happens to have the health and damage output of a vanguard, also I’m not sure what his purpose is if that makes sense.

Like I feel like each vanguard has something to offer to the team, for example, magneto provides shields, venom dives in to disrupt or overwhelm the other team for a bit before swinging away, peni provides a backline playing a more defensive roll, so on and so forth

Like what does Cap even do?

Cap to me feels like a DPS that just so happens to have the health and damage output of a vanguard, also I’m not sure what his purpose is if that makes sense.

Like I feel like each vanguard has something to offer to the team, for example, magneto provides shields, venom dives in to disrupt or overwhelm the other team for a bit before swinging away, peni provides a backline playing a more defensive roll, so on and so forth

Like what does Cap even do?