If you encounter a confrontational person can you guess they'll most likely be wild if they fight you? Typically how hard is it to defend yourself against these kind of people?

I'd avoid a street fight at all costs but I am curious because I see it and don't want to be unprepared if I were to ever encounter it. They talk shit, are verbally aggressive, and I can just smell the wild haymakers coming.

Still I feel its a little different when someone is emotional, about to swing for the fences, and is out of control. I'd be a little thrown off fighting on the fly, not knowing anything about them, knowing there are consequences, and most importantly there is no ref.

Still in my head I'd say oh this dickhead is about to blow his load, here come the wild swings, block/distance/counter, and he won't last long. Thats what I would think but I don't know if you can really think that way.

I know everyone has a plan till they get hit but its better to have a plan than not. Last thing I'd want is to swing back wild and emotional without much thought of whats going on.