Had my first Muay Thai Session today. Enjoyed it heaps.. but something happened at the end of the class which has me questioning going back...is this normal? Advice needed.
Have posted to r/muaythai but thought I'd ask here too.
Had my first Muay Thai Session today. Enjoyed it heaps.. but somthing happened at the end of the class has me questioning going back...is this normal? Advice needed.
Hi there, so today I had my first Muay Thai class. Have never before done any martial arts or sparring before so I'm a full blown rookie. Class started with a warm up, then some pad work with kicking. After that we moved onto some sparring. I really enjoyed this part People I partnered with were genuinely really helpful and showed me a few techniques etc, took a few good hits to the face and body which I genuinely enjoyed. Learning and had a good time.
After this at the end of the class we the stood in a line hands above head, the last one in the line would punch everyone in the line in the stomach moving along the line then join the line at the front and the next person would go at the end of the line punching the stomach moving to the front etc, we would do this until we had moved full circle around the room and would go again for 2 laps. We each took about 10 rounds of punches of 30 so about 90 hits to the stomach approx in total. This drill all made sense to me as a newbie, benefits being to strengthen core and become accosted to pain. I was winded and struggled to breath during this at times but again I didn't have an issue here at all I was open to it all and stood my ground, some hits were harder than others but still all good. My problem starts with one guy who absolutly walloped me during this drill in what I feel like was the wrong place. Just to paint a picture, I'm a 67kg fairly lean/athletic looking person. Not what you would call heavy. This guy is easily around the 150kg mark. This guy winds back and with what looked like a high percentage of his strength strikes me with right hook straight into my ribcage up high with my hands above my head. Fully winded I drop to the floor easily, trying to suck in air. Being the new guy, the next guy in line gets me up for the next hit straight after, further winding me. I understand the drill fully and didn't mind it up until this guy dropped me. Is it normal to be hit in the ribcage hard by some one way over double my weight? I thought it was just ab shots during this drill and to me what this person did felt really cheap and it really angered me.... what do you guys think? Normal or just out of order? Should I go back or find another place to train? Being the new guy I feel like I carry no gravitas to say anything.
I'd still really like to do Muay Thai but I don't want to have my ribs broken on a Normal Friday evening class. I have a life and need my body functioning to work and make money.
All advice really appreciated!