I am torn on what to do
Hello my (26m) and my (27f) old ex have broken up due to me being unfaithful and talking to other girls online. We have been together for 7years. This happened from porn which turned to seeking pictures etc from random girls on the internet. I understand what I did and am completely committed to never allowing something like this to happen again. I have been completely open about everything and take fully responsibly for everything I did. I have been in therapy for the last five and a half months and have made great progress on why it happened and tools to allow it not to happen again. I have changed many things around in my life. My ex and I were engaged and lived with each other before all of this transpired. We have since been recovering together and making great progress but have not been officially "back together". We have been stuck in a stage recently where she wants to get back together but is so afraid this will happen again. Her family is also telling her once a cheater always a cheater. She seems torn on what to do. Yesterday she mentioned she wants time apart/no contact since we have seen and talked to each other everyday since this has happened. She said us seeing each other and talking to each other while it is mutual it is fogging her brain on what to do. She states since we have been in limbo for so long this time is going to help her decide what she really wants. She didn't say how long or what that really means. I don't know if that means she wants to try talking to others, if this is done and she just wanted to say it in the nicest way or if she really needs the time to figure it out. I was left with many questions and left on a hanger. I have respected her and not contacted her since she has happened last week. This past Saturday she sent me a Snapchat which was just a video of what she was doing. I didn’t answer. She sent me another Snapchat an hour later of just a picture of her standing there. Again I didn’t answer. Since then I haven’t heard anything from her. I really don’t know if I should’ve answered or not. She is stubborn and almost always holds her word so I feel now she will not reach out again since I didn’t reply. We did not contact right after we broke up six months ago and she contacted me within an hour wanting to talk again so I feel this time she doesn’t want to be the one to come back first. What should I do?
Tl;dr we have separated due to my actions. We started to rekindle and fix what was broken and recently went into no contact.