Every Band Has It Day 4

By my count of the comments The High End Of Low won the most underrated album only by a few and the album in secomd place was EAT ME DRINK ME. Today is for the most overrated album, and honestly I don't think I have a Manson album i see as overrated, Golden Age Of Grotesque? The only reason I would say that is because it definitely the album I listen to the least but I don't think I'd be happy with that answer

By my count of the comments The High End Of Low won the most underrated album only by a few and the album in secomd place was EAT ME DRINK ME. Today is for the most overrated album, and honestly I don't think I have a Manson album i see as overrated, Golden Age Of Grotesque? The only reason I would say that is because it definitely the album I listen to the least but I don't think I'd be happy with that answer