Animal Abuse

I’m a huge pet lover and thought I would check out this large pet store at MidValley Megamall. The dogs are Severely malnourished in starvation condition. Protruding hip bones, visible ribs showing. An 8 month old Giant Poodle weights 52-60 lbs. These pups are extremely underweight, less than half the weight they should be, this will result in long lasting physical and mental health issues. The pups have swollen and irritated paws, fur and skin conditions as a result of the filthy cages and lack of care. Psychological abuse not providing bedding or toys. We left the shop feeling horrible and did not shop at any of the stores in this mall for allowing this business to operate. Please do not buy anything at Pets Wonderland @ Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur. I have reported the animal cruelty to the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) and contacted local news and media outlets. Help these innocent animals by sharing this abuse.