None of my magic has actually *worked*

I know, I know. Magic isn't actually magic. It's not Hollywood... all that magic is is another influence, one of many possible influences... but I truly feel like nothing is working.

I've tried multiple paradigms. Traditional Cornish witchcraft (I'm from Cornwall), Wicca, chaos magic. I've followed multistep rituals to the letter which took hours to complete and I've also made up my own spells on the fly. I've spent probably hundreds of hours practising meditation, visualisation, energy work and trying to connect with nature.

I've never been able to successfully communicate with or sense a spirit. Even in graveyards, I don't feel ANYTHING there. I've never cast any spells which made me think, holy shit, magic is real... I hear about so many people having wonderful, inexplicable experience. Money arriving in unexpected ways after casting a prosperity spell, meeting an ideal partner 2 weeks after casting a love spell. I do magical and mundane work but since I've began magic, my mundane efforts have not been enhanced in any way by my magic. My results are the same.

I'm just frustrated I suppose. I do believe in magic but what if I'm just... not magical?