Final Update - Blue Sky Starter Packs and Megathread of Sorts.

Hey all! So almost two weeks ago I shared a link to a Blue Sky starter pack I created. It started at about 40 content creators, which ballooned to about 80 prior to my last post. Since that post, we've had an enormous amount of interest and support both here and on Blue Sky. I've had content creators from EDHrec, Commander's Herald, Magic Ambassadors, youtubers, and so on reach out for inclusion. I've also met a lot of really amazing people via follows/shares. It received so much interest that I actually reached the 150 account limit and had to start a follow-on list. Right now, between the two starter packs, we have nearly 200 folks taking part. My criteria for inclusion has been from the get go 1) be active and 2) have something to share. With that said, it's an amazingly diverse group of both large and small creators, each with their own offerings and all very active on the app.

Because of the growth, I wanted to make one last post to share these lists with all of you. There has been a huge influx of people moving to Blue Sky, and I thought this would help folks who were in my shoes only a few weeks ago - people searching for content. I plan on keeping up with this as a labor of love. I've enjoyed the effort so far to build a sense of community. I'll continue to share any new starter packs on my account (same as my Reddit handle - they will be pinned) The lists are posted below for your use. I'm also compiling a few other resources that were shared during my last two posts/on Blue Sky. I hope it helps.

From here, I'm going to leave it up to the community to share with one another/mods whether they want to sticky or wiki this info... As always, if you are a creator and want to be a part of this, the best way to do so is to reach out to me directly. I am constantly adding to these lists, but if I get a message I try to respond as soon as I can. I don't care if you have 3 followers or 30K, if you are active and engaged, you have a seat at the table. Love and appreciate you all.

MTG Content Pack 1 (My List) -

MTG Content Pack 2 (My List) -

Dr Judge's starter pack lists (amazing resource with a lot of larger content creators/personalities/ambassadors) -

MTGO Centric Starter Pack -

Quiver Time's Pack -

u/Blackneto_'s Blerd Pack -

Vorthos Mike's MTG Artist Pack 1 -

Vorthos Mike's MTG Artist Pack 2 -

MTG Fan Artist Pack (Fun list with alter artists and other creators/vendors) -

UK Based Creators -

Emma Partlow's MTG Journalist Pack -

Also, there was a recommendation by u/Early_Monk "Sky Follower Bridge to anyone making the switch. Chrome extension that finds all your old follows on Blue Sky. Was the last thing I needed to fully make the switch"

Edit: If you joined/followed the packs previously, you may be missing some folks that have been recently added. Checking for periodic updates is recommended as the function shows which accounts are currently followed/not-followed.

Edit 2: Adding additional resources as folks reach out. There is going to be some overlap between all the packs above.