Bloomburrow Bluhs
About 3 weeks ago I said in a Bloomburrow thread 'like other people here, I would like Bloomburrow to be as self-contained as possible and not just an excuse for the usual suspects to romp around in a new playground for a month or two'.
Seeing as Ral Zarek is now an otter and presumably is the red-blue entry in the Bloomburrow Hero Party that the set's plot will be focused around, does anyone else feel let down? Like, it seems impossible these days that we can't have an entirely self-contained story any more featuring just inhabitants from a plane. Someone from the 'outside' always has to be there fulfilling their own agenda and tying things back to a metaplot.
I mean there's no GUARANTEE of this but especially when you consider someone like Ral Zarek, it almost seems to be a gimme that he will be participating in events on Bloomburrow with some sort of personal or Izzet/Ravnica-adjacent agenda.
And that's just frustrating for me. It just doesn't feel like new Magic story can JUST stand on its own merits any more. It has to have some recurring character to connect it to a bigger scope of events.