Looking for opinions/suggestions for my Go-shintai of life's origin deck

My deck rn: https://archidekt.com/decks/6178831/goshintai_of_lifes_origin_deck

My concerns

I feel the deck is lacking interaction: Maybe more instant removal or counterspells. I play often against tribal vampire (markov) and dinosaurs/dragons, hence the focus on combat restricting enchanments and such. The question is: what to cut to make space?

Few ramp cards: As a green deck, should I make more space for more ramp?

A lack of a stronger win con: My main goal is to win by having strong shrine effects and overwhelm my opponents (sanctum of stone fangs/honden of infinite rage/go-shintai of ancient wars damage, sending their hands to the dirty with honden of nights reach, etc). Should I hyper focus on this or try to diversify while keeping my enchanment theme? For example, I have the archon of suns grace+enchanted evening+ any "when enchanment enters the bf, deal damage" ready to use it, but should I add the card? This could pair nicely with aura shards too if I am correct.

Thx for your time!