A few questions from a new fan
Hi all, I got into Machine Girl around last Christmas and have been obsessed since, just have a few questions I wanted to ask long time fans:
1) Why no love for The Ugly Art in their current setlist? I haven't listened to the album yet, but from what I gather it's a fan favourite so it seems a little strange to me that it has seen zero representation during their current tour.
2) What is the hype around Athoth a go go? I like the song but to me it just feels like an interlude and it's probably one of my least favourite songs on Because Im Young. Dont hate it, just don't get what the hype is about.
3) What is the general consensus amongst fans for MG Ultra? I absolutely love it but it was my introduction to the band so that makes sense, it seems like a huge change from U-Void and Because I'm Young, do long term fans love this album or do they see it as somehow "selling out"? I'd guess that the reception is very mixed.
4) Why the name change from Innerface to Half Asleep? Apparently they changed it after the album released which is strange, and they also still call it Innerface on their set list which is even more strange.
That's all :)