ideal powermetrics to monitor during a stress test
I'm working on a cooling optimisation projects on my MacBook Pro. I have thermal paste and thermal pads on the way.
I want to stress test each change to log the improvement. I'm writing a script to perform the test and record the results.
What metrics would you capture during a stress test? CPU die temperature, fan, System Average Frequency? Anything else?
I'm running `powermetrics` to collect the data:
`powermetrics -n 1 --samplers cpu_power,smc | grep -Ei "CPU die temperature|fan|System Average frequency"`
Summary example of the captured data:
|| || |===========================================| |Pre-test metrics:| |System Average frequency as fraction of nominal: 159.91% (3837.88 Mhz)| |Fan: 4661.46 rpm| |CPU die temperature: 80.81 C| |===========================================| |Test metrics:| |The starting CPU Frequency is: 3810.17 MHz| |The maximum CPU Frequency is: 3810.17 MHz| |The minimum CPU Frequency is: 2800.00 MHz| |The maximum CPU Temperature is: 96.49 C| |The average CPU Temperature is: 91.09 C| |The maximum Fan Speed is: 5656.64 RPM| |CPU performance test completed in 4 minutes and 5 seconds.|