Thinking about diving back into the Mac world, wondering how much things have changed.
I had a MacBook Pro in college circa 2010, and I LOVED it. It was incredibly simple to use, the screen was beautiful, and it lasted me a long time. Honestly, I probably could've gotten a few more years out of it. Eventually I went over to the windows side of the house since I was pretty broke at the time and couldn't justify a new MacBook.
I've recently purchased an iPhone and now I'm looking at going back to the Apple ecosystem. What's giving me pause is, back when I owned a MacBook, integration with Windows was a pain in the ass. Converting documents to Word from Pages never worked right, a lot of the non-Apple specific apps were just annoying to use, etc. Has this improved at all in the last... jeez 10-15 years? I'd likely be using it for generic every day use, my main concern here is integration with Teams if I were to go on a virtual job interview or something.