Don't be FOOLED by Lucy Letby's SLICK PR campaign
u/CheerfulScientist makes a few really interesting (and simple!) points in this new video, which goes into further detail about her pub peer critique and Dr. Lee's respobse.
About halfway through, she shows Dr. Lee's statement that the patent foramen ovale in Child A was not relevant to air embolism because of pressure differential between the arterial and venous systems. She calls it a contradiction that they then conclude that Child A died of an undetected blood clot in the brain - because such a blood clot would have had to go through the patent foramen ovale. She also asserts that, in living patients, PFOs are sometimes diagnosed by introducing tiny air bubbles into the venous system and observing them entering the arterial system (a bubble study.
She also discusses Child I, and the bizarre readiness with which Letby's supporters abandoned Child O's liver injury by needle suggestion to accept Lee's birth injury proposition.
Anyway, discuss :)