Please help! Does this mean he is using again?
Hey friends. I am posting this under a throwaway account as my main is linked to my name.
I have an xfinity router for now, and they do not allow you to see browsing history I am also not able to use opendns with my router. I am getting a new one in a few weeks so then I won’t have to worry about this as much.
Basically, in the xfinity app you can see security threats. On a device that is used by my partner, I have gotten two notifications that something from go.xlirdr and creative.xlirdr was blocked as malware.
I googled and found that’s it’s porn of some sort. Both days and times it happened he would have been either alone or basically alone. Once at 2am and once in the morning when I’m at work and kids are at school.
He told me he no longer used. He knows how his past with it has hurt me and we just got back together a few months ago but he seems to have zero interest in me sexually. He has not done any work on his habit/addiction and has even said he thinks porn is healthy (🤮).
Also, he isn’t working. I work full time, am in college, and have two kids under 6 years old. Both kids are in school/daycare during the day but somehow he still manages to never get anything done around the house?
I’m lost and disappointed and can’t stop shaking. I’m so hurt. But I don’t want to bring it up if it’s just a pop up that he couldn’t help. He uses mobile only, no computer or anything.
Sorry if this is rambley. Idk what to do. Should I confront him or wait until I get the new router and catch him where he can’t plausibly deny it? Luckily I am in the IT field and he isn’t tech savvy at all so he won’t suspect anything when I do install a new router.
Thanks all!