Some Thoughts about Jump Start Server
As many people would be, I am confused and worried about this concept.
I am playing in NAE server and KR server now.
First, I believe MMORPG is more fun when a lot of players are in there.
Market, raids, adventure, whatever type of play, more people usually means better experience.
Now we are talking about Gatekeeping and it's a horrible experience. I have some friends tried Lost Ark recently and many of them left because of it.
So let me change the statement:
More people with a 'similar progression' gives a better experience.
Doesn't matter with the percentage of people. The actual number of people who are in a similar progression is important.
So in KR server, this kind of isolated server never happened. Gatekeeping in KR is worse (as ppl require LoS 30 now), but there are a lot of people starting in each express event and they can form raids by themselves.
In Steam servers, at least in NAE, Gatekeeping is horrible because not so many new players joined during the express events, and many of them quit before they form a party themselves.
In my experience, there are way too few 'learning' or 'prog' parties in general. Why? Because there are not many new players! And also lack of guide of using sid skills, although it's not hard at all.
For veteran users, each raid is a weekly HW that gives gold. It is very understandable that most skilled players dont want to fail over and over because of other players.
Therefore I believe the healthy model is people starting at the same express event form party themselves and get enough experience, upgrade their character and roster, and become veterans. As I am playing in both KR and NAE server, I want the culture of the mixture of them.
In KR server, almost anyone can join/make a learning party. There are many parties like that almost always for all raids.
But to go HW party, you have to have LoS 30 and even +5% against demon card bonus
In NAE server, it's almost impossible for a new player to experience a raid in the first place. But when you somehow get over it, it's not hard to go in HW or reclear party if you have a right spec for the content (not just item level. In general)
What I see as ideal is to have many learning parties like KR and low-spec cut like NAE.
So, this can and will happen if our Super Mokoko Express is successful. I am also excited for new class and Akkan raid, as well as GR and CD change. Most players in KR gave positive feedback, so I hope it can help new and returning players to stay.
Sorry, I never said anything about jump start server for a while. But I described it to explain my view that an isolated jump start server is not needed.
If the Super Mokoko Express event is successful and many people start, it's awesome. Problems like gatekeeping will be solved anyways.
If it fails and not many people play join, then the server becomes a nightmare. You can't do anything because there is no one.
And you've already used Super Mokoko Express.
This is why I see it as a risk.
Also, the Jump Start server gives a lot of honing material. Thats good. But faster progression is not what a new player looks for.
Super Mokoko Express is fast enough. A new player gotta learn Valtan through Brelshaza in 2 weeks. None of the new players I've met complained about the game being too slow.
This actually attracts veteran players. If this server is to be merged with normal servers at some point, they will easily make a character and get the most out of it.
And guess what? 'Experienced Only' lobby will pop up from the beginning of the server launch day. The only difference is that you cannot tell who is experienced and whos not, until you go in.
So ppl will just stop at G1 and kick sus out, and get new players, repeat.
Not giving a pleasant experience for anyone.
(BTW even if a new player watches youtube and whatever, veterans can easily see whos skilled and whos not)
And also, even if only new players start at the Jump Start Server, their own gatekeeping will happen after a few weeks. Because once you know the raid, you do not want to go with new players and spend way more time.
An important question that Amazon has to answer before next week is:
Is this jump start server going to be merged later on or not? I said next week because super mokoko express is coming next week.
If it will be merged, veterans will go there and get a free 1580 character. (Super mokoko by itself upto 1580 isn't too easy) So the same problem will happen.
If it's not going to be merged, what's the point of this server? Get experienced and start from scratch again?
I hope and believe Amazon knows what they are doing better than I do but still, I am worried because new players are super important for all of us.
I suggest veteran players just go Valtan Vylas or Kakul with new players (as it doesn't give gold anyways) and spend 30 min ~ 1hr with them, without a stress of actually clearing it.
For new players, do not hesitate to make your own party. Watch youtube or something, study mech, and use sidereal skills by yourself. It's a piece of cake.
I do teaching parties often with my leftover raids and it was mostly a fun experience.
Anyways, I want to hear what others think because I am not so smart and some people may find the idea of jump start server positively. Please share your wisdom with the community.
For now, if someone asks me if he or she should start Lost Ark in Jump Start Server, I would say no until Amazon states that the server will be merged. Server with low population is the one should avoid the most.