How keep trying to lose weight when your partner does not really support you?
I am a 25yo female, my partner (also 25) and I are talking about trying to get pregnant soon. I have PCOS and am seriously overweight. In order to get pregnant, the doctors have advised me to lose at least 40 pounds. I have never been able to lose even 5 pounds and keep them off. I have always had a bad relationship with exercise as my mom used to exercise for up to 4 hours a day because she did not want to be fat (I have always been overweight, since I was a baby).
Last year, my partner and I decided to live a healthier lifestyle. I am the one who cooks all our meals and do grocery shopping, so I have the responsibility of taking care of what we eat and learn healthier recipes. I have taken nutrition classes and do a lot of research so we hit both our macros and our calorie goals. I bought gym equipment and a walking pad as well so we can exercise from home as we both don’t like gyms due to anxiety.
I wake up everyday at 6:00am so I can do a little 45 minute cardio session on the walking pad before starting my day. My partner is supposed to wake up at 7:00 to do strength training with me and then we each get on with our day.
The thing is… he never gets up at 7:00 am and then on the evenings he is too tired to workout. He asked me to try to get him to get up if he dismisses his alarm, but when I do it, he gets más and throws tantrums like a 5 year old .
He is talking a lot about babies recently but I feel upset every single time now because I feel like I am the only one making an effort here and we both should be trying to be healthy for our future baby. Does that make sense or am I overthinking?
I am having a hard time sticking to my routine now and started binging in secret. I don’t know how or if I should talk about this to him.