Bluetooth sound louder without distorting compared to my dj mixer plugged in to external mixer with xlr

As the title says, I played my first gig this Friday, and it was a living hell in my opinion. No booth monitors, distorted speakers, and lastly, when playing from my phone via Bluetooth, the speakers could push quite a bit more without distorting.

Luckily, people were so drunk that they didn’t notice, but it was bad, especially in the low end and highs.

I’m just wondering why the PA system would sound so much louder from a Bluetooth signal without distorting compared to when I played on my DJ board, which was connected to an external mixer via 20m XLR cables.

Here’s a picture of the mixer:

My only theory right now is that Spotify normalizes sound, which might give the music a perceived louder sound. But I have no idea and no way of checking if my DJ board is the problem, as I don’t have XLR speakers at home and only use RCA.

As I’m writing this, I realize that my DJ store sold me a microphone cable instead of a real XLR. Could that make a difference? In that case, I might just jump off a cliff because I deadass burned all my last cash on those shitty cables they were $80 and i probably won’t be able to return them.

Here are the cables:

Are those the problem?

Why could the bluetooth signal sound so much louder without distorting. Compared to when i played my music from my dj board