What Has Worked For Me
I recently posted expressing annoyance with the "Do I have lipedema?" posts when I was hoping for more informative guidance on how to manage/minimize the impact of lipedema. Here goes:
Legs-up-the-wall. I do this for at least 10 minutes a day, but sometimes upwards of an hour throughout the day. I go on my building's roof and lay with my legs on the part of my lounge chair where my head would normally go and work on my tan with my legs elevated. At night, I put my feet at the top of my headboard and rest my computer on my chest; in addition to helping with circulation, it's a nice cue to slow down at the end of the night.
Reducing sugar. I used to pride myself on that I eat really healthy 80% of the time and enjoy candy and brownies the other 20%. I realized that I have to completely overhaul my eating habits-- low sugar, fewer carbs, less processed food like bread and brownies I made from a box mix. I went to Trader Joe's and stocked up on lower-sugar, lower-carb foods like berries and edamame; I bought ground chicken so I can have chicken meatballs on hand when I need a snack. I bought a ton of ingredients to meal prep, so I don't fall into my routine of making a sandwich when I'm urgently hungry.
Compression socks. I bought them on Amazon, and I personally don't find them uncomfortable. Sometimes I glide into the compression socks immediately after doing 10 minutes of legs-up-the-wall.
HIGHLY RECOMMEND this massager from Amazon.
My next steps are looking into getting a red light device, looking into vibration devices, figuring out a way to incorporate turmeric into my life, and perhaps getting a lymphatic drainage massage. I'm also curious to see what supplements/ vitamins I could be taking. I might start wearing compression socks when I work; I stand for 6+ hours a day and I have a feeling it's not doing my calves any favors. I might also start lifting weights again.