What Linux Distro should I use, i'm absolutely noobish when it comes to linux
Wassup Linux users 👋
So i currently want to sort of breathe new life into my current laptop, [model :- Dell xps 15 9560] [specs:- i7-7700hq , nvidia gtx 1050, 32 gigs of ddr4 ram, 1tb ssd]
I want to switch to linux coz 1. i think windows 10 is still a bit heavy, even though my system runs fine with windows 10, I want to make it feel lighter, more responsive etc and 2. I want a new look and i've been dying to try out linux but i've no experience with it , i've been a sort of faithfull windows follower till now
That being said, I'm 15 , i dont have that many requirements tbh, i have a gaming pc , but i want my laptop to run things like zoom and tlauncher and spotify, opera gx etc if possible
I've been currently eying Bazzite, but i legit just started research today and i'd LOVE any recomendations at all !
TL;DR , Wants a linux distro recomendation for a 7 year old laptop that currently runs windows 10, needs to run spotify, tlauncher, zoom, spotify , opera gx etc apps