Error in taking the test?
I took this test yesterday, and it was negative like clear negative during the time frame, which is 5 min cause I read the instructions. I took off the glassy window as I circled in the picture, cause I wanted to see the result better. I looked at the test one hour later and it looked like this. It looks positive, but it appeared definitely outside the time frame. I took another first response today at 7 pm, but I didn’t pee for like 4 or 5 hours. It was a clear negative. Can a test turn like this if it sits too long? I also didn’t put the cap of the test on, so the part that i peed on remained uncovered.
I took this test yesterday, and it was negative like clear negative during the time frame, which is 5 min cause I read the instructions. I took off the glassy window as I circled in the picture, cause I wanted to see the result better. I looked at the test one hour later and it looked like this. It looks positive, but it appeared definitely outside the time frame. I took another first response today at 7 pm, but I didn’t pee for like 4 or 5 hours. It was a clear negative. Can a test turn like this if it sits too long? I also didn’t put the cap of the test on, so the part that i peed on remained uncovered.