Accreditation: what to go for?

Hi all. Newbie to the sub here.

Quick background: I've had my own coaching business for about 5 years (although this past year has been neglible, thanks, Covid).

Other than doing NLP and practitioner for a specific psychometric profiling system I haven't gone with signing up for degrees, ICF, EMCC or any other "professional" accreditation schemes and qualifications

In the coming months, I'm hoping to be in a position to refresh my business into a somewhat different niche even closer to my heart and soul. Along with that, I am starting to look at Masters degrees and anything I like the looks of which will allow me to get accredited by the main coaching bodies.

I'm in the UK if that helps. But may move to an EU country (f*** Brexit).

What are your views on any of the main bodies like ICF, EMCC, etc? Or what do you feel about degrees and other qualifications? If you were going to invest in one higher level professional coaching qualification, what would you go for? Degree? "Private" course run by small but popular business (eg Barefoot* in the UK). Think like ~£10k for a year long course.

If you already did any of this, how has it helped you and your business?

*I get the impression private orgs like Barefoot Coaching are held in high regard too?

If interested as to why I'm looking at qualifications and accreditation:

  1. The learning itself, in order to provide a better service, have better impact for my clients

  2. Of course to appear more professional, committed to the industry's and my own reputation

Any thoughts are welcome. Thank you 🙏